FIKA w EIT Health Headstart Funding program & DTU´s new entrepreneurship programme


This Thursday, our co-worker at KU, Camilla Krogh Christensen will stop by and talk about your funding opportunities of up to €50,000 from EIT Health’s Headstart Program.

Read more about the program at:

Furthermore, André Luis Radigonda from DTU will stop by and talk about DTU´s new entrepreneurship programme.

Starting this summer, DTU’s Master in Technology Entrepreneurship is designed to drive innovation through diversity, bringing together students from varied backgrounds – from humanities to business studies, and from engineering to social science – to create solutions that make a difference.

The core structure of the programme combines real-world start-up ideas and technologies with courses on the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, ethics, personal development, and sustainability. Multidisciplinary teams are mentored throughout the programme by entrepreneurs, start-up coaches and faculty with entrepreneurial expertise and experience.

Start-up ideas and technologies may come from various sources including you or your start-up team.


Hver torsdag kl. 15:00 – 16:00 holder vi “FIKA“  – et fagligt og socialt event for alle teams på SUND Hub.

Som et fast indslag, inviteres en ekstern gæst, som deler erfaringer om startups, teknologier, events, metoder, forskning el.l. som vedkommende arbejder med.

FIKA starter kl. 15:00 og plejer at inkludere en præsentationsrunde af alle deltagende teams samt et oplæg fra dagens gæst – typisk af en varighed på 10 - 30 minutter.

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