FIKA: Work-life-balance + setting the right team


Setting and growing the right team in your organisation is key to accelerate change. On Thursday October 24th, Business psychologist specialized in development and coaching within leadership, organisational transformation, innovation, and startups Cecilie Willer will visit SUND Hub. Beside tips on setting the right team, she will also talk about the difficult work-life-balance in the life of an entrepreneur.


Hver torsdag kl. 15:00 – 16:00 holder vi “FIKA“  – et fagligt og socialt event for alle teams på SUND Hub.

Som et fast indslag, inviteres en ekstern gæst, som deler erfaringer om startups, teknologier, events, metoder, forskning el.l. som vedkommende arbejder med.

FIKA starter kl. 15:00 og plejer at inkludere en præsentationsrunde af alle deltagende teams samt et oplæg fra dagens gæst – typisk af en varighed på 10 - 30 minutter.

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