Fast tracks process from self-test to medication

High-risk patients do not receive medicine within 24-48 hours which is when the medicine is most effective. Our digital solution fast tracks the process from taking a self-test at home to receiving the medicine within 24 hrs. Our initial markets are COVID19 and Influenza with expansion to other self-testable diseases. This will save resources at hospitals and clinics and save lives.


Arshwinth Arulmurugananthavadivel, CEO. MSc in Physics and Nanotechnology, DTU

Benjamin Trasborg, Medical advisor, MSc in Biomedical engineering, DTU

Jasmine Béatrice Martine Truchot, Frontend Developer Doctor. MSc in Mathematical Modelling and Computation, DTU

Stefanos Mavrozoumis, Frontend Developer Patient, MSc in Computer Science and Engineering, DTU

Simon Tobias Lund, Backend Developer, MSc and Honours programme in Computer Science and Engineering, DTU


Health Innovators 2022



+45 42 79 36 19